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Discover Parks Canada
Summer 2017
Must-read tips for visiting Banff and Waterton Lakes national parks!
A young couple admire the scenic lakeside view at Two Jack Lake, in Banff National Park, and a couple of cyclists ride along on the Kootenai Brown Trail, in Waterton Lake National Park
Are you taking advantage of your Canada 150 free admission? Our hotspots will be more popular than usual this year. If you’re planning a trip to either Banff or Waterton Lakes national parks, be sure to plan ahead and take advantage of our trip planning tools. With tips about hidden gems, avoiding congested areas and best times to visit, we’re here to help you get the most out of your national park experience.
Be park-smart!
A grizzly bear at the bottom of a hill
The chance of seeing wildlife is one of the most exciting things about visiting the mountain national parks. It is important to treat wild animals with respect. It’s our shared responsibility to keep wildlife safe so make sure you know the rules before visiting.